Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Book List - How to Create?

While posting my earlier blog I realized it would be elegant to name the books I read as a list in the sidebar. But while trying to create the list I realized the limitations of BlogSpot in maintaining it as a list without doing HTML Coding and manipulation of the template (This is one of the reasons why there are only two links there right now).
Being a lazy person that I am I wanted to find a short cut for it and spent a few days trying unsuccessfully to decipher the approach mentioned in BlogSpot Knowledge base of managing multiple Blogs. As a last resort I sent a mail to the help desk detailing my experiment and asking for more clarity or alternate approach.
The amazing response provided me with a link to a page, which was supposed to help me - How do I include multiple blogs in a single page? the same topic I had difficulty in the first place trying to implement.
Welcome to the world of technical support where people don’t hear you out fully before providing an answer.
Any one out there who can help me out please let me know. - I still can’t understand in the Knowledge base they have mentioned

"Log into Blogger and click "Create a new blog" link in the right column. Specify the information requested and then click on Settings to enter additional information needed there. We'll use "books.html" as the file name for this new blog."

Where do you give books.html as file name is it the blog name or is it the topic name or am I missing something out?
Sometimes I feel its better to do it the hard way (By creating Links in the Template) rather than trying to break your head on a workaround. So over a period of time I might include these book and movie list individually.


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